Friday, 10 April 2009

Songs of Praise

Yes its true, if you watch Songs of Praise on May 3rd you will see me on "Songs of Praise".

Easter Rabbit

The dawn chorus season has started, and thanks to so many that want to take part in this years events means I have had to put more early mornings on than ever before! I do think the popularity of this years dawn chorus is because people are fed up with the gloom and boom of the credit crunch and everything else on the news. For those of you that have never done this before, well its a magical experience. We meet at 0400 hrs, walk for about half an hour to a secluded woodland, this were at that time of the morning the smell of wild garlic will wake you up if nothing else. I point out all the birds singing as we become apart of the awakening world around us.

Around 0600 we move into the open ground to listen for Willow Warblers, Yellowhammer, Skylarks, Redstart etc. Then by 0730hrs its breakfast! On a nice sunny morning its a magical way to observe the dawn breaking, and even on rainy mornings the birds won't let us down.

I'm off now for an Easter break for a few days. Wishing you all a happy Easter and lots of chocolate, yum yum!

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