I took the plunge. Goodbye my fabulous eos 30D you have served well been everywhere and taken most things. Welcome eos 7D, here's a test picture of Otus I took today in cloudy conditions.

Second picture is a Blue Tit in the garden, this taken during the height of the wind and rain storms so the light was awful. I used 2000 ISO, which on the 30D would have been very grainy, I'm very pleased with this result, now I can't wait for the sun to shine again.

From Monday to Thursday at various times I should be doing some live webcasting for Autumn Watch, the exact times I don't know yet but will update the blog and twitter when I do.
I will take the camera with me and publish on the blog anything of interest.
Great photographs.
I saw two Red Kites over the motorway yesterday. At Burnham and near Taunton.
Rebecca. Thanks for the comments.
RK at Burnham and Taunton is a great record, we are getting more and more sightings. Great bird well worth people looking out for.
I'm in a love-hate relationship with digital memory because of the way prices are always,and I mean always falling. I absolutely hate buying SD Cards for my R4 / R4i at (what seems to be) a bargain price only to see it become a whole lot cheaper a few weeks later.
(Posted using Nintendo DS running [url=http://www.leetboss.com/video-games/r4i-r4-sdhc-nintendo-ds]R4i[/url] R4Post)
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