As most people know by now, I helped out with the Autumn Watch webcams last week and did some audio commentary also I interviewed 2 guests and did some live bits to camera.
It was all great fun and very creative. I have had some great feedback via mail and the webcams message boards with some of you not believing it was not scripted or rehearsed. Honest folks nothing was scripted or rehearsed. In the control cabin was Phil, Jo and Kirstine all of whom were incredibly professional with literally their fingers on the controls bringing the live images of wildlife in Goblin Combe to you sat at your computers. That side of it was beyond me, however I think it was fair to say we struck up a good team feeling straight away, that is more to do with them than me. I took some pictures and here is one of the real stars of the show a Nuthatch or as I call them bandit Bird.

There are more pictures, but not many as when I was at the live webcam site it was pretty well full on, so not much time for pictures. Today I have just come back from the BWRC (British Wildlife Rehabilitation Council) conference. My lecture was about wild Owls and their behaviour and needs such as habitat etc, and of course using this information to help when we have to deal with releasing Owls. My thanks to the BWRC for inviting me, and I hope everyone present enjoyed the day. I certainly did as it was so good to meet so many other wildlife rehabilitators from the U.K and also other European countries. I do wonder however what the future of wildlife rehabilitation really is, as one point was made quite a few times, and that was that main stream Conservation does not appear to except its importance. But as I have seen with some our projects we can affect a positive difference for species in areas were certain species populations have dwindled, but of course this after checking thoroughly that the habitat is OK and that there is sufficient food for your target species. Some really good facts were brought out during the morning sessions this was based on good science, and for my own part I will now be writing a paper on the releasing of Owls that we have done, this will including survival rates and the monitoring methods we use. I will leave this blog entry with a picture of a Tawny Owl we released back in late August which we have followed on distribution still doing well and totally self supporting.

This picture was taken in almost darkness ISO 3200, spot the owl?
BFN I will try to blog more often.